Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tucson Pilgrimage

It's a pretty crazy and intimidating feeling to make real sacrifices to chase a dream. For those of you that haven't heard, I'm heading to Tucson in the morning to train for 2 months. I'll be in an apartment with a teammate(Bennet) about 12 miles west of town, in a secluded area right next to the Saguaro National Park. Migrating west for sunny 70 degree weather sounds like a sweet vacation, but this is strictly a business trip. Lots of hours on the bike, rest, and eating clean will be my top priorities(it will also be a great time to catch up on some reading). Tucson provides great weather, mountains, and people that are better than me to train with. Hopefully this "training camp" will take me to another level, and provide a great tan to start the season! I plan on getting in to Tucson late Wednesday evening, so look forward to some good photos and stories from the road trip!


  1. Never seen a dream that you have "chased" that you didn't catch. God Bless you and TRAIN WITH A PURPOSE!!!!!

  2. mobile,al has the same glorious temps(sans mountains) as tucon,az
